

Bennie G. Thompson

Member of Congress, Former Chairman of Homeland Security Committee

"It has come to my attention that there is a better solution to temporary housing -- a product known as the 'Dome.'  I understand there is a good track record for using Domes in disaster areas.  I also understand that Domes are earthquake and rain proof, hurricane resistant and can accommodate up to 18 people comfortably.  Clearly, using the Domes would provide a more durable solution to the temporary shelter crisis until a permanent plan is in place."

Alaska National Guard

Craig E. Campbell

Adjutant General of the Alaska National Guard

"I would like to offer support and encouragement to all federal agencies that might be interesting in procuring your temporary 'dome' shelters for emergency use.  These domes provide safe and reliable shelter in all types of extreme weather conditions. They are easy to assemble and easily transportable.

These shelters are optimal for use as temporary shelters in time of disaster emergencies and these domes would be exceptional for use in Alaska.  They far exceed the capabilities of the existing canvas tents."


J. Michael Caldwell

Brigadier General, Deputy Director Oregon Military Department

"I would like to express my support and offer endorsement of these shelters to agencies/organizations that might be interesting in purchasing.

As I look at past emergency situations in Oregon, these shelters would be incredibly useful to much of the Northwest in the further as we battle flooding, ice storms, etc.  ...They seem to be exceptionally versatile, durable, and portable with a variety of uses."

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Brian Buck

Former AT&T Supervisor of Construction and Maintenance

"I just wanted to write and thank you for the fine product you have provided to us here in Alaska.  As you know, we put our domes in 'high risk' areas throughout Alaska where the wind can reach well in excess of 150 mph and snow levels 20-40 ft or more.  That being said, the domes have provided top notch protection for my crews traveling for maintenance and construction during all times of the year. 

Many of my crews have thought this has been the #1 safety and convenience item that we have available to them and their coworkers."

Give Back Hope logo

Stan Barrett

Founder of Give Back Hope

In our view, a humanitarian crisis is brewing, and no other housing concept or design on the market offers the immediacy and security of InterShelter domes.  We see a huge need and market for durable, earthquake-proof housing as Nepal rebuilds beyond fragile tents and tarps."


Ted Hayes

National Homeless Activist - Founder of LA Dome Village

"After 13 years of operation, Dome Village successfully completed its mission.   During the time that Dome Village was in operation hundreds of homeless people - singles and families were given a safe environment where they could thrive and rejoin society."